August 30, 2022

Bet Lines

Bet lines are a way to help students think about and solve mathematical problems.

You can either use these in PowerPoint with each line showing one after the other or just cover and release as you explore each line.

To start you just read the top line and ask the students what they think the question will ask them to do next - take a bet. Here they may talk about more fish and less fish.

Then reveal the next line and read it. Were they correct after line 1? What clues helped them or confused them? With all the information you have so far what do you think you will be asked to calculate? What evidence do you have?

Finally, reveal the final line. What do you have to do? Now, can you solve the question?

This strategy makes students slow down and consider what the question is asking them to do and read carefully. It also supports mathematical reasoning.

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